Saturday, June 19, 2010

my hat rack is full!

When I attended CBC back in the day to acquire my Children's Ministry Degree, I had to take a music class! HA! If you know me, you KNOW I don't have an ounce of music intelligence! But our professor had us read a book about the 'many different hats you will wear in the ministry'. This week, my 'hatrack' was maxed out! Here is a list of the different hats I wore in a 5 day period:

1. mommy

2. wife (celebrating 9 years with my hubby!)

3. children's pastor's wife (this is separate than 'just' wife)

4. counselor for the green team (for day camp)

5. van driver

6. tour guide

7. nurse

8. mary kay consultant

9. dishwasher

10. launderer

11. teacher

12. secretary/receptionist

12! 12 hats this week! I AM EXHAUSTED! Loved every minute of it, but I would like a break next week please!

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