Thursday, April 9, 2009


It is day 4 of my mom being down here... and it is going by too extremely fast! The time she is spending with Aubrey is priceless! She keeps telling me that Aubrey is leaving her 'with so many wonderful memories'. I appreciate so much that she came to spend a week more less with Aubrey, b/c Justin and I certainly have not been around to be much company! I didn't realize until this week just HOW busy we REALLY are!! And to that I say 'I AM EXHAUSTED!' I am exhausted with laundry, dishes, picking up around the house, feeding animals, being mommy, being wife, being a nursing student! I just want one day to sleep! One day to not have to think about the hustle bustle of life! My header may read 'simply life' but what you don't read that is 'between the lines' is 'Simply CRAZY HECTIC BUSY Life'. And yet, I would be bored to tears if I didn't have all that I have on my plate. I keep telling myself, 'this too shall's only for a season!' I think I need to engrave it on my forehead!

This week I was on the Pediatric floor for clinicals. Not quite sure how I feel about being with sick little kiddos. I stand on neutral ground. I was so NERVOUS to do ANYTHING...and we're CHILDREN'S PASTORS, in charge of over 300 Nursery - 5th grade children at our church. I stand in front of the kids and teach lessons and act silly weekly...and yet I couldn't walk into a sick 2 week old babies room w/o my Instructor for the first time yesterday. Sick kids make me nervous! Maybe it's not the kids I'm afraid of, I think it's the parents. I am excited though to go back next week... maybe I can play some catch or blow a bunch of bubbles with a sweet child who needs to have a few minutes to NOT think about his or her exhaustive, hectic, sick schedule!

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