There's been a LOT going on at our house since I last wrote on here! GOOD GRIEF!
Below are pictures to show what has been happening in our world. School is out for the summer and we are ENJOYING the beautiful weather! I have one more semester, 16 weeks to endure before I graduate in December! YAHOO!

Aubrey and Papa (my dad) were on their way to the Zoo! She's been sleeping like a big girl in her big girl bed and earned a trip to the Zoo!

This girl LOVES sunglasses, dresses and baby dolls! Just don't pay attention to the fact she probably wore this dress for 2 days because she loves it SO much!

Justin and Aubrey made a rainbow chip cake for my BIG 30 b-day! Below are the pics of the process. (It was one of the best cakes I've had!)

She tasted the frosting more than she helped frost the cake!

Getting ready to head to Joyland (daycare) for the day and wanted to show Grandma the pretty summer shirt she was wearing!

Happy Easter!

Dancing and dressed like a princess...or a fairy....

Happy Birthday Bunny!

Helping mama take care of Jake with her new blue horse brush.