Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Surprise! My world is now BLUE!

As many of you know, we are expecting baby #2 in April. Today I am 21 wks and 5 days...almost 22 weeks along!! For me, this is a little sad. I am not your text book pregnant woman and I LOVE being pregnant. Aside from the first trimester nausea and negative zero energy, I love the experience of growing a little person. I love the experience of trying to figure out the personality before he or she enters the world. I love the fact that I am the only one, for 9 months, who has the baby ALL to myself! I love the first kicks and movement that only I can feel. I love that I am the only one really getting to know this little person before I am obligated to share them with the world.

Monday was our ultrasound to measure the head, bones and make sure all is on track, and to find out BOY or GIRL! I wanted all 3 of us to find out together and we couldn't take Aubrey. So, my amazing friend Sarah, who does photography, and is signed to me for life to do our family photos until we die, came up with this awesome 'baby reveal' idea. I had the ultrasound and asked the tech to put the gender picture in an envelope because we wanted to know, but didn't want her to tell. So when we arrived at that point in the ultra sound she had me close my eyes. It was done and over. The verdict was in the gold envelope and I had to restrain myself with EVERY ounce of energy to NOT peek! I had two very important people waiting to be surprised with the news, and I wasn't about to ruin it!

So I drove to Sarah's house, handed her the envelope and off she went to the store to get pink or blue balloons. She then took the bundle and headed to the park to fill the 'surprise' box with the verdict of balloons. When she was all set up, Justin, Aubrey and I met her at the park. I can't begin to describe how nervous and excited we all were! And we pulled it off perfectly! Pulled the top off the box and our world was filled with blue balloons! For once in our lives we were speechless! Our world has been pink for 4 years, and now blue has entered the picture! What in the world do I do with blue?!

Aubrey's reaction? 'I told you it was a brother!' and she jumped up and down holding the bundle of balloons! Yes, she deemed him brother about 2 months ago.

Sarah captured the moment of surprise PERFECTLY! I am SO thankful I did NOT peak!
Now to plan for a world of blue!

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